We all know that the first impression matters a lot when you meet someone. The image often comes from the physical outlook of a person. Therefore, it is right to say that everybody always wants to look good, have a lean body mass and not be an ectomorph.
To gain a good physique, many people, especially men, tend to use bodybuilding as their to-go solution. Whenever there is a mention of bodybuilding, be sure to come across the topic of supplements and minerals for muscle growth.
So, what are supplements in bodybuilding? These compounds are manufactured and are full of nutrients derived from plants or animal products and exist in powder, capsule, tablet, and even liquid. They are combined with a diet and workouts such as weightlifting to increase muscles and improve physical performance, especially in sports and weight gain.
There is no doubt that sports supplements are gaining popularity among gym-goers quite fast compared to weight loss supplements. As part of bodybuilding, the use of supplements also helps control the appetite to shed excess pounds.
Did you know some of the safety tips before using supplements? Here are some.

Supplement Safety Tips
When going for supplements, remember to choose those that science has proven to be safe and efficient for your body. Otherwise, you will be overworking your kidney in vain. In addition to damaging your body, uninformed choice of supplements leads to wastage of money, which would have been better used to boost your training as a beginner.
A deadlier consequence of consuming illegal supplements is death. So it is advisable to visit your general practician to get medical advice on dietary supplements just in case you are also taking medication.
Yes, some supplements are too toxic to be flushed out of the body once consumed and end up causing more harm than the intended results. Their composition includes ingredients that cause heart and kidney problems.
An excellent example of a supplement that proved to be fatal is a steroid known as Celtic Dragon, which had to be banned from the market. Therefore, maintain utmost caution when picking supplements as a beginner. Some of the most helpful supplements for beginners are as follows:

Why Protein is the top bodybuilding supplements?
When it comes to building body tissues, including muscles, proteins are a key part of the diet. This is due to the reason that they contain amino acids, which are responsible for muscle growth.
Proteins can be consumed in powder forms available as capsules, soy, brown rice, whey isolate casein, and bars. Powdered protein is the most common type of bodybuilding supplement and can be taken before training to enhance performance or after to boost recovery. However, many bodybuilders report feeling an energy boost when they consume protein shakes before workouts. When using this type of supplement, be keen in following the recommended serving to avoid consuming more than is required by the body.
Proteins do not only help in building body muscles but also assist in weight loss by aiding metabolism. Another benefit of using proteins as a supplement in bodybuilding is their ability to boost energy, attain peak physical performance and the main ingredient for workout recovery supplements which aids in muscle repair.
As much as the list of the benefits of protein supplements is endless, bodybuilders who are beginners are advised to go for foods rich in natural proteins. These foods can be eggs, white meat such as duck and chicken, dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurts. Plant proteins can also be found in legumes such as beans. Therefore, vegetarians, vegans, and lactose intolerant individuals always have various sources to choose from.
Video Credits: Dr Eric Berg
Whey protein is another essential macronutrients that consists of all the nine key specific amino acids needed by the body to repair muscles and enhance strength. It is useful when consumed after training to stimulate proteins synthesis, making the recovery process quicker.
Did you know that whey protein is just dried and isolated milk powder? If you didn't, now you know. For the bodybuilders who are lactose intolerant, it is wise to choose the One Whey isolate.

Why Creatine is an effective supplement?
Human bodies naturally produce this amino acid in the kidneys, pancreas, and liver. It can also be found in fish and red meat. You can purchase the supplements over the counter and are found in the form of pills and flavored powders. Once consumed, it is converted into Creatine phosphate, which is essential for boosting energy required in the muscle cells for high intensity workouts such as weightlifting and short duration exercise like sprinting.
Video Credits: Dr Eric Berg
As a beginner, if you aim to lift more in the gyms and build muscle mass, go for the creatine supplement. Also, if you are impatient and tend to be on the lookout for results after a short period of training, creatine will boost your confidence.
How is this so? The ability of the supplement to enhance water retention creates an illusion of larger muscles. Water retention in the muscles also enhances endurance while still increasing strength. In addition to that, it promotes fast weight gain of up to three pounds.
Beginners in bodybuilding are also encouraged to source their creatine from natural diets alone as often as possible. However, the supplement is a good idea for those looking for an easily accessible and quick-acting source. It is also important to remember that Creatine is a favorite among athletes because it is legal, effective, and safe to use.

It may be challenging to get all the vitamins needed by the body in a single meal, and that is why you need multivitamins to supplement your diet. These supplements exist in the forms of capsules and tablets. If you are an active person, try to increase your intake of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Zinc and Magnesium. Multivitamins contain all the mentioned nutrients hence gives you strength when training.
Read: 8 Important Vitamins and Minerals To Maximise For Muscle Growth

Essential Amino Acids
The vital amino acids needed for bodybuilding include isoleucine, valine, and leucine. These acids are present in our diets as they exist naturally in protein-rich foods. The ones manufactured in the form of supplements are faster and easily absorbed in the body as they are more concentrated with the right content including minerals for muscle growth.
They come in powder form or capsules and are consumed during a workout to boost energy levels and aid in protein synthesis. They are proved to help in recovery as they preserve body mass. It is essential to take amino acid supplements without food for faster absorption.

This is another amino acid that promotes muscle building for beginners as long as the right workout program is adhered to. Research reveals that consumption of 4 grams of the amino acid every day for eight weeks increases more muscle mass for beginners using it compared to the ones who do not. Another benefit beginners can gain from this supplement is the increase in performance when training.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids
This supplement is essentially fish oil and mostly comes in the form of a capsule. Did you know that just a single capsule of Omega 3 contains 70% concentrated fatty acids such as DPA, EPA and DHA. If your goal is to gain muscles faster, note that fish oils combined with carbohydrates and Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAS), protein synthesis increases, resulting in improved muscle mass.
Video Credits: Dr Eric Berg
As a beginner who is struggling to lose weight, going for Omega 3 acids solves your problem. The supplement triggers fat-burning enzymes, which help shed those extra pounds. Due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, omega acids also assist the body to recover after training. In addition to the mentioned benefit, these fatty acids help cure heart diseases, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, and inflammatory bowel issues.

Are you looking to boost your energy for that intense workout? Get yourself that cup of coffee before you begin to break a sweat. If you are not an enthusiastic coffee drinker, you can go for a caffeine pill but remember that it takes more time to kick in compared to drinking the liquid.
Caffeine is proven to give an energy boost, lower pain perception, and reduce fatigue during training. With its ability to stimulate the nervous system, caffeine helps one to stay alert and focused when exercising. It is a favorite among athletes and a motivator to beginners.
Video Credits: Dr Eric Berg
The body stores energy in the form of a compound called glycogen. When training, caffeine helps preserve glycogen from being used to provide energy by promoting fats breakdown to provide alternative energy.
However, a downside of relying on caffeine as a supplement is that it causes headaches once you stop consuming it. The headache is a withdrawal reaction because caffeine quickly builds an addiction. Being diuretic also, it is wise to drink water often to hydrate your body.

Weight Gainers
Supplements targeting weight gain tend to contain 1000 calories and above per serving. These calories are derived from carbohydrates. Weight gainers are suitable for beginners struggling to gain muscle despite weightlifting and taking high amounts of calories. Who prefers to drink the shake instead of struggling to consume a lot of food?

This supplement works wonders when consumed before training. The boost in energy and enhanced focus enhances performance for beginners. Pre-workouts such as the electrolytes delay fatigue while enabling one to train longer.
The main key ingredients that constitute most pre-workout powers are a blend of caffeine, l-arginine, l-citrulline, leucine, isoleucine, valine and what was mentioned earlier is creatine. With the most effective ingredients of the lot is caffeine which stimulates the nervous system in combination with l-arginine which the body synthesis and produces nitric oxide.
It is important to take the recommended amounts of this type of supplement to avoid excess consumption, which can cause one to get over-stimulation and jitters. Also, to mention the addiction that comes with this type of supplement mainly of the caffeine content which can affect people who have heart conditions.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids
These amino acids are found in animal products such as eggs, meat, fish and dairy. They constitute 14% of the amount of amino acids present in the body's muscles. BCAAs are proven to promote muscle gain and reduce the loss of the same.
Therefore, you get to maintain a massive mass of skeletal muscles. Beginners who are planning to use this supplement can only do so if they are struggling to get enough high-quality protein intakes.

HMB (Hydroxymethylbutyrate)
This supplement's scientific name is Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate. This molecule is produced after the body has processed an amino acid called leucine. It aids in minimizing the breakdown of the muscle proteins in the body. It is produced naturally in the human body but consumption of its supplement further increases gaining of lean muscles.
The correct serving per day should be maintained at 3-6 grams. This supplement works best when combined with weight training. However, an important point to emphasize when it comes to using this supplement is that it works best with beginners than those experienced in weight training.

Glutamine And Carnitine
Should you be interested in bodybuilding at an elderly age, you will be pleased to know that this supplement is tailored for your system. Carnitine especially is a significant boost of muscle mass when combined with the right diet and training.
Another benefit beginners derive from Glutamine is the ability of the supplement to boost the immune system and preserve muscles. Therefore, the supplement is suitable for those who do a lot of strength training and endurance as it facilitates faster recovery. It can be hard to get the right amount of Glutamine from food entirely, hence supplementing will help you attain the daily required quantity.

Casein Protein
This protein is found in milk and takes a long time to get digested by the body. Therefore, it is advisable to take it before going to bed to enable the body to process the proteins throughout the night. Recovery of muscle tissues is therefore promoted hence facilitating an increase of muscle mass for beginners.
For a bodybuilding beginner to get the best out of supplements, they will have to incorporate the right nutrition and consistent training programs. Supplements should never replace a meal but only supplement as the name suggests. You are required to consume enough of proteins and calories, exercise coupled up with mineral for muscle growth.
From the above list of supplements for beginners, proteins and Creatine take the trophy for effectiveness. With the vast pool of information about supplements, it is your responsibility as a beginner to go for that which works well for your body as individuals differ genetically. What works for someone else might not work for you. With that said and done, I wish you desirable results.

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i am Ajay from Delhi India...