Being a fitness freak isn’t an easy job. You have to work out daily to maintain that muscular physique and keep your body fit and healthy. Not to mention ladies dig men who are fit. Though, only a few people actually care about their fitness wear. They just put on a t-shirt and some old shorts and make their way to the gym! That’s a no-no, guys! What if you meet a cute girl wearing a sports bras while you are working out in old and worn-out clothes?
Now that you are done cringing at the thought, make this your new mantra – fitness wear is the new fashion. It is time to throw away the worn-out sneakers and a too-loose t-shirt and invest in a gym kit that looks good. And trust me, when you look good, you feel good.
Here are a few fitness wears that will help you look like the alpha male of your gym:
Openside Sandos and Openside Hoodies
Sticks and stones may not break your bones, but a few amazing openside sando (sleeveless tank tops) and openside hoodies (sleeveless hooded sweatshirts) from Awtsu Fitness Apparel will definitely break some hearts! These unique and bold designs will definitely shine the spotlight on you while you are working out at the gym or running on your favorite trail.
The best part about these form-fitting fitness wear is that they are breathable, lightweight and will reveal your best muscle physique when you are pumping that iron. Also, you will never feel too hot or suffocated while you are busy lifting weights, thanks to the top-quality material. The sleeveless hoodies become handy when you are working out in that icy cold air-conditioned gym, the thick breathable material will make your core warm whilst still reveal your manly shoulders, biceps, and triceps.

Another thing that sets these sleeveless tank tops and hoodies aside is the different colors. Usually, you only find your basic colors – black, grey, and white – when comes to gym clothes. Awtsu Fitness Apparel, on the other hand, offers you bold and a variety of different colors that don’t fade or get affected even after multiple washes. The good things don’t end here, folks. The superior and durable blend of polyester and cotton material keeps your gym wear safe from getting loose and losing its fitting.
Trackpants and Shorts
You can’t go to the gym and workout in your jeans or work pants! That’s a fashion crime. You need a trendy pair of gym shorts that are not only comfy but also breathable. Having a good pair of gym shorts allow you the freedom to move around when you are working out the lower body especially during leg day.
Awtsu Fitness Apparel has a range of sweat shorts and squat shorts that can give you an affordable and trendy fashion statement in the gym without breaking your wallets. Also, the quick-drying material keeps the discomfort at bay and assures a successful gym session.

The Awtsu Fitness Apparel joggers, for example, are great bottom wear to exercise in. These track pants are typically made from polyester or cotton, are known for being lightweight and comfortable.
These are a much better option than wearing tights or compression leggings in terms of men's gym fashion. The form-fitting stretchy material allows you to move around freely when you are running or lifting weights. Trust us, you will feel like a fashion model when you run in trendy shorts or track pants.
We also know how shorts provide breathability and ease of movement while running or doing leg exercises, but joggers can be beneficial to aid your work out in the gym as they can heat up your legs which will turn to help burn more calories as your body needs extra calories to cool down.
Joggers can also protect your skin from exposure to the environment, insects or even sharp objects around the gym and no matter how trained on an exercise you are, your muscles need warming up. For those people who tend to avoid warm-up, joggers are great for you.
Comfy Shoes for Smooth Workout
You won’t get any work done in the gym if your feet keep hurting because you have invested in the wrong shoes. Not to mention the uncomfortable run if your shoes keep pinching your feet. Getting the right workout shoes is essential. Cutting corners and saving up cash will only harm your feet in the long run. Invest in shoes that are not only comfortable but also looks great with your gym wear. That way, your feet will look amazing while and feel comfy at the same time.
Gym Watch
Your gym clothes are not the only things that will help you stand out. When it comes to fashion fitness wear, you must go all out. And for that, you need a kickass new gym watch. You must be wondering, why would you need a gym watch? Why not wear the watch you already have? Well, we ask you this – is your watch digital? Does it give you a sporty gym vibe? If you answered no to our questions, you have an answer to yours.
A digital watch helps you keep track of your exercise regime as it shows you both seconds and minutes in digits. Thanks to this watch, you will be able to keep track of the exact time you can do your training intervals, the latest watches can go even further and show your heartbeat so you don't over-exercise. So, why not invest in one and look cool and trendy?
Here you go, guys! Aren’t these fitness wears both manly and fashionable? Get your new fitness wear sorted right away and look hot and trendy while working out!
Hi Team,
i am Ajay from Delhi India...